Marvel Edition Wallpapers matching illustrated line icons
To Use Install below Launchers
Compatibility :
Apex Launcher
Nova Launcher
Abc Launcher
Action Launcher
A D W Launcher
Atom Launcher
Aviate Launcher
C M Theme Engine Launcher
Evie Launcher
Go launcher
Holo Launcher
M Launcher
Mini Launcher
Next Launcher
Nougat Launcher
LG Launcher
Solo Launcher
Smart Launcher
V Launcher
Zero Launcher
ZenUi launcher
Mostly supports all the launchers
if not ( apply manually )
Setting >> theme and personalization >> select Onyx icon pack >> hit apply
- Updates by time
-New icons added
- fixes problems
Marvel Edition sfondi corrispondenti alle icone delle linee illustrate
Per utilizzare installare sotto Lanciatori
Compatibilità :
Apex Launcher
Nova Launcher
abc Launcher
Azione Launcher
A D W avvio
Atom Launcher
Aviate Launcher
C M Theme Engine Launcher
Evie Launcher
GO launcher
Holo Launcher
M Launcher
Mini Launcher
Successivo Launcher
torrone Launcher
LG Launcher
Solo Launcher
smart Launcher
V Launcher
Zero Launcher
ZenUi launcher
sostiene lo più tutti i lanciatori
in caso negativo (applicare manualmente)
Impostazione >> tema e personalizzazione >> selezionare Onyx icon pack >> colpito applicare
- Aggiornamenti di tempo
Icone -Nuove aggiunto
- risolve problemi